Blog DEA

Why should you have a custom workshop workbench?

Written by Lino Di Betta | 15 May 2023

A workshop workbench should be practical and functional. It's the only way to help you work in a peaceful and organised environment, where you can quickly complete every task. It is difficult for a standard workshop workbench to meet these needs. That’s why DEA designs and constructs custom workshop workbenches that help you optimise work because:

They exploit space

A custom workshop workbench adapts to your space needs because it is designed according to your workshop's floor plan. No more wasted space but workshop furnishings designed to be fully functional.

They only have what you need

Do you need a fluid distribution system or tool drawers? Do you need a waste collection solution? Need space for your PC? With a DEA workshop workbench, you choose the components you need for work and only install the ones you need, thus avoiding spending money for solutions you'll never use.

They are modular

DEA workshop workbenches are modular and let you build them according to your needs, but, more importantly, expand them in time as your workshop and your needs grow. Even years later, each workshop workbench can be supplemented with other workbenches, workshop cabinets, drawers and everything you need to create increasingly more functional and practical work stations.

They are added value and enhance your investment

Compared to a standard workshop workbench, detail is key in custom workbenches providing added value that positive influences your work. Long-term, in fact, a custom workshop workbench lets you optimise your investment, saving you time, improving single task organisation and even increasing your customer pool. Give your workshop a boost with a custom workshop workbench, offering even faster and more accurate service to become the best point of reference for your sector!


Contact a DEA expert now at +39 0522 1533038 and ask for your free estimate for a custom workshop workbench able to help you optimise your workshop's business.