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New trends for modern workshop furniture

Written by Lino Di Betta | 09 May 2024

In the Automotive industry, where the Corporate Identity is predominant and attention to detail makes the difference, operational efficiency and Corporate Image are more crucial than ever. How to design a modern workshop furniture that follows the new trends? Today's article will give you some interesting suggestions.

Workshop furniture and trends: the prerequisites for keeping up with the times

Modern workshops represent more than a “standard” workplaces: they are points of reference for customers. Experience and professionalism contribute to customer loyalty.

In addition to being functional spaces, where maintenance and repair services are carried out, workshops also represent the brand, acting as a showcase for the Company's values, style and professionalism. A layout designed to anticipate future trends and tendencies goes beyond the mere arrangement of tools and equipment: it reflects the Company's Corporate Identity, conveying consistency and alignment with brand requirements.

How a high quality set up can anticipate the latest Automotive trends

Corporate Identity

To meet the Corporate Identity requirements is a crucial aspect in setting up a modern workshop, as the “link” between the functionality of the space and the brand identity.

One of the most evident aspects of this synergy is the use of Corporate colours of the furnishing of spaces. Corporate colours give visual consistency to the environment, also creating a direct link with the brand image.

Workshop furniture should be designed to reflect the order, cleanliness and quality that the brand wishes to communicate. A well-organised and tidy space conveys a message of attention to detail and commitment to excellence, which are key elements in instilling confidence in customers.

Every detail, such as lighting, should be taken considered to ensure an ambience consistent with the corporate image. This way to work improves the overall aesthetics of the environment and also helps to create a welcoming and professional atmosphere.

In this regard, read the case study of the project carried out in the Motorsport area which saw, among the customer's requests, precisely the installation of LED kits!

Smart bay for electric vehicles

With the advent of electric vehicles, workshops have to adapt quickly to meet new customer needs, e.g. by providing specialised services for electric vehicles. This means investing in suitable equipment and infrastructure.

The integration of advanced charging stations is one of the main requirements for workshops that want to be at the forefront of customer service.

Car Detailing

Car Detailing - i.e. the aesthetic care of vehicles - is an increasingly popular trend aimed at maintaining and enhancing the appearance of cars over time.

Modern workshops offering detailing services must be equipped with advanced workshop equipment and use state-of-the-art techniques to achieve high-quality results.

The focus on sustainability issues

Sheet made of steel not only offers unparalleled resistance to impact, wear and corrosion, but also a sustainable choice for environments requiring high daily performance. Its long-life cycle reduces the need for frequent replacement, contributing significantly to the reduction of industrial waste. Furthermore, steel is a fully recyclable material, which means it can be reused without losing its fundamental properties.

Similarly, a steel bench that can withstand high loads without deforming or becoming damaged has a longer service life, reducing the need for replacement and, consequently, the consumption of new resources. This durability translates into less waste produced and a lower frequency of investment, elements that contribute to environmental sustainability. Furthermore, opting for materials such as steel, which can be recycled at the end of their useful life, promotes the efficient use of resources, in line with principles of environmental responsibility and sustainable development that now involve all Automotive brands.

In today's article we’ve delved in the context of adapting to new trends.

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