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Professional work bench: the importance of customisation

Written by Lino Di Betta | 01 August 2024

In the Automotive context, Corporate Identity plays a key role. Brands are increasingly focused on maintaining visual and functional consistency throughout their premises, including workshops.

Service Managers involved in choosing the best equipment for their Companies know this well: in today's article we discuss the importance of customisation in the professional work bench.

Professional work bench: how can it comply with the Automotive corporate identity?

An Automotive brand's Corporate Identity is more than a logo. It is a complex set of visual, technical and conceptual elements that represent the essence of the brand itself. These variables are designed to create a recognisable image that communicates the brand's values, mission and vision, which must naturally extend to the workshops: a direct point of contact between the customer and the brand.

The Official Service Centres and Workshops must therefore reflect it faithfully to ensure visual and conceptual consistency. This means that every detail, from colours to equipment, must be in line with the brand's image.

Professional work bench: several way to customize them

A customised professional work bench with the brand's colours and logo helps to create an environment that reflects professionalism and attention to detail. The presence of the Company's logo and colours on the workbenches reinforces the brand's visual identity and makes the workshop instantly recognisable as part of the official brand network.

But these are not the only elements that can be designed ad hoc.

The creation of a bespoke professional work bench must allow tools and equipment to be organised in a logical and accessible manner, reducing downtime and improving workflow. For example, cabinets, workbench furniture, panels and trolleys can be designed to meet specific requirements, such as holding tools or components of a particular size or weight. Similarly, the same configuration can have a specific layout to create agile environments, minimising the time spent moving from one location to another or searching for tools.

There may also be a need to comply with precise safety regulations, so the customisation of workbenches may include advanced safety features such as rounded edges, ergonomic handles or, for example, fireproof materials.

In addition, the ability to customise workbenches allows service managers to adapt the space to the specific needs of the environment. This can include the integration of advanced technologies, such as dedicated workstations for working on electric cars, or the addition of specific modules for detailing operations. The ability to create customised configurations enables a rapid response to industry developments and new customer needs.

A customised and well-organised workbench conveys a clear message of professionalism and attention to detail, generating a positive virtuous circle. When customers visit the workshop, in fact, their perception of the brand is influenced by their surroundings. An orderly and recognisable environment is a lever that increases trust and loyalty in the brand.

How to identify the right workbench?

Workbenches are an excellent example of how modularity and aesthetics can be integrated to create high quality solutions. They must be modular in order to maximise the creation of customised workstations. The structure of the steel benches is coated with epoxy powder, which offers high chemical and mechanical resistance, ensuring that the structure will last for a long time without showing any signs of corrosion.

The design of the workbenches, with customisable colours and finishes available in gloss or matt, contributes to an elegant and professional environment. Ergonomic handles, exclusively Made in Italy materials and elegant profiles complete the picture.

What is the role of the workbench supplier? This element is also a strategic lever for a successful investment. A well-prepared and competent partner will study an equipment solution that best meets the customer's criteria and requirements. The aim is to create a safe, design-oriented and functional environment, where every corner is maximised and efficiency-oriented.

Here is a case study demonstrating how this makes all the difference in a highly successful set-up!

For Service Managers, investing in professional customisation of the workshop workbench is not just a matter of aesthetics, but a key strategy for improving operational efficiency, ensuring safety and enhancing brand image. In an industry as competitive as Automotive, every detail counts and customising the workbench is an important step towards operational excellence and customer satisfaction.

Visit our Academy and see the quality and the excellence of a professional work bench for your workshop!