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DEA Italian Worklab reinforces its expertise in Industry

Written by Lino Di Betta | 13 June 2024

DEA Italian Worklab stands out in the setting up of Industrial areas, reaffirming its preparation and expertise in designing furniture for complex environments. Please have a look at the latest Case Study: a project developed for USCO S.P.A.

The signing of a special project by DEA to redevelop one of USCO S.P.A. strategic industrial areas.

USCO S.P.A. is a leading company that manufactures and distributes an extensive range of undercarriage, ground engaging tools and repair parts for construction earthmoving machines.

As USCO S.P.A.'s first experience with DEA's furniture, we are glad to share their appreciation so that to testify a successful working activities’ coordination between the Teams. A positive and collaborative atmosphere made the entire process smooth and efficient. The reputation of DEA, achieved in the total respect of its fondant values, excellent product, ad hoc, fully customizable solutions and a 4-hands study of the project has catched USCO S.P.A. attention.

This is how the project for USCO S.P.A came into being.

What is the customer’s need?

In the very early stages of approaching the project, we have carefully examined the most specific requests, relating to the redevelopment of the area where the presses and other components for mechanical processing are stored.

That led to the need for a definitive solution for components storage that could withstand a load capacity of 400kg on the entire cabinet surface, a load capacity of 200kg on the internal shelves, for a total load capacity of over 1 tons.

DEA immediately turned to an ad hoc module that would fully meet these specific requirements.

The response of DEA Italian Worklab that satisfied the customer

Thanks to DEA experience in designing tailored made modules, customers’ requirements has been fulfilled. DEA provided USCO S.P.A. with 4 shelves modules, mounted on full extension rails, with a maximum load of 200 kg for each drawer. To ensure the safety of the operators, each drawer has been integrated with guides designed to offer double security, during opening and closing, by the means of two levers on both sides.

Since the components are very heavy, it is necessary to move them with a crane. To stock and support them DEA has designed robust metal furniture, complete with a wooden working surface and an additional rubber protection to protect the top itself - also used as a support for the equipment.

How did DEA approach the project’s difficulties?

DEA Italian experts with a focused approach to the utmost professionalism and specialization, succeeded in managing what could have turned out to be an obstacle: the anchoring of furniture to the ground without damaging the underfloor heating.

Positive customer perception and DEA new great satisfaction

The project, which lasted nearly 5 months, fully satisfied USCO S.P.A, particularly in terms of attention and care that DEA specialists paid from the very first stages of negotiation; they were able to manage with extreme meticulousness even a complex technical aspect such as that of underfloor heating.

Also on this occasion, DEA Italian Worklab has demonstrated its great preparation and competence in the development of projects for complex environments, not only Automotive.

This is a success story of an industrial company. It illustrates the 360-degree expertise in the design and production of ad hoc furniture components.

Contact us for a free consultation. Find out how we can work together to tackle your organisation's most complex challenges.